Imagine a place where girls are safe...
Why did Faith House begin?
Faith House Ministries of Africa was inspired by the story of one young woman in Nairobi, Kenya, fostered through the shining success of two Kenyan students, and realized through the efforts of a small group of people dedicated to providing support and opportunity for young women with nowhere else to turn. Meet Faith and Agnes and Damaris . . .
Who makes Faith House happen?
In 2016 Faith House transitioned from American missionary leadership to a Kenyan Director. Beatrice, with a degree in B-com (finance and banking) and an advanced diploma in psychology (counseling), had been the Faith House Assistant Director for four years before she became director. She shares the passion for the Faith House vision and a deep love for the girls.
What is our vision?
Faith House is a safe house, a shelter, a home, so much more than a building. We are a Christian ministry committed to being family for African young women without peaceful home situations.
What goes on in Faith House?
Life in Faith House is as close to a stable happy home as we can make it. Our goal is to give the girls opportunities to learn and grow and discover the gifts that God has given them.
Today's students.
Tomorrow's leaders.
thanksgiving 2018
Cultivating the Art of Giving Thanks
While Dan and I were on our most recent trip to Faith House in Nairobi, we saw the beginnings of ingratitude in some of our girls. They are teenagers. They were beginning to take for granted the gifts that they had been given. In order to stimulate new thinking, I pulled out and modified an old mom-trick from when our children were young: before our children could report the challenges and negatives of a day, they had to list three good things that had happened.
For our Faith House girls we went a bit farther. I explained that in the U.S. we celebrate a holiday called Thanksgiving which is a day set aside to remember and give thanks to God for his amazing gifts. I suggested that we take a large part of that night’s devotional time to brainstorm the things about Faith House for which they are thankful. Since there are 22 days in November before the actual Thanksgiving Day, I told them that if they could list at least 22 gifts for which they are thankful, that I would post those thanksgivings daily on Facebook along with pictures illustrating each thought. Our high school girls do not have phones but the “moms” and mentors in the house can show them. The girls listed far more than the 22 items I suggested and so I combined some. Even teenagers and learn to be grateful.